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Travel Safety – Make your trip a safe one.

Posted by Jeff Wojtanowski on Aug 14, 2012 9:19:33 AM

Ok you are ready go… Bags packed - check, airline seats selected, rental car reserved and hotel reservations made – check, backup plan – nope. Sometimes you get so excited to go that not always do you think about safety. Domestic or international travel, always have a plan or safeguards in place. It could help keep you and your family safe. Here are a few quick tips.

  • Don’t keep your wallet or purse in your back pocket. It is to inviting to pick pockets while you are looking around or taking a picture.
  • Keep your sources of money separate. Keep some money and a credit card in a hidden secure spot.
  • Scan your major documents. Keep a copy in a separate email account you set up for travel. Medical records, passport, driver’s license, travel visa, and one credit card. This way if something bad happens, you will have a way to access them. In case you have to have to give the account information to someone official, they won’t see all the emails from cousin Orvill and his cat.
  • Avoid displays of affluence. The extra gold jewelry should be left at home and the super expensive camera should be kept in a non-descript bag. Why advertise your wealth.
  • Don’t take up a new sport or hobby. Vacation is not the place to learn how to scuba dive or ride a scooter. You saved up for vacation, don’t spend it in the hospital.

You spend a year or more working and saving for vacation. Happy vacation from E-Z Rent-A-Car.

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