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E-Z Picks | 8 Great Travel Products for Little Ones

Aug 14, 2015 11:00:00 AM

courtesy of David D

Planning a trip can often be a grand ordeal. But when you add children into the mix, there’s a whole other slew of things that have to be considered, including special items to pack, places to go (and not to go), and when to schedule activities.

If you’re traveling with little ones on your next vacation, try out some of these helpful travel items that are carefully designed with kids in mind: 

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Topics: travel, travel with kids, E-Z Picks, Group Travel

The E-Z Way | 7 Group Travel Tips to Keep You Safe (and Sane) During Your Trip

Jul 31, 2015 11:00:00 AM

Photo Courtesy of - N i c o l a

Whether you’re with extended family, a bunch of close friends or your child’s entire soccer team, traveling in a group can be taxing on a physical, mental, emotional and sometimes financial level. There’s a lot of extra planning and care that has to be taken into consideration, and many people don’t realize it until they’re already well into their trip. 

At E-Z Rent-A-Car, we’re all about making traveling easy, stress-free and convenient. That’s why we’ve come up with a list of tips for people vacationing in groups to make it as smooth a trip as possible. Here’s how to stay safe and sane with your group on your next adventure away from home:

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Topics: affordable travel, travel, travel with kids, The E-Z Way, Group Travel

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