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Jul 22, 2016 11:28:14 AM
Check out more blogs from this experienced traveler at My WanderLusty Life!
Oct 22, 2014 4:11:00 PM
If you've found yourself perusing this blog article, you are among the golden citizens who share an undeniable love for delicious food and the magic of Disney. There's nothing quite like enjoying a Mickey-shaped icecream sandwich on a hot Florida day while walking down Main Street USA in the Magic Kingdom, but there is so much more food where that came from hidden behind the gates of Disney's various Orlando theme parks. Whether you're a frequenter or a first-time Mouseketeer, make it a point to stop and grab a bite at these establishments scattered throughout Disney. If you've got a little foodie inside you like us, these enchanting flavors may prove even more memorable than meeting the Mouse for the first time.
Topics: food, walt disney world, orlando, disney