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Today’s Gas Saving Tip (Braking the Right Way)

Posted by ezracblog on May 15, 2012 4:56:22 AM

Did you know that a car consumes most of its gas during accelerates. Force equals mass times acceleration, It is the law of physics. Did you know a moving car requires very little gas to keep it moving? So applying what I’m about to tell you to the way you drive will improve your gas mileage and keep the ride smooth. Example of what I’m talking about is a lot of the drivers that I see in mild or heavy traffic seem to cannot control their speed with just the accelerator pad. But what I see are so many people speeding up and then slamming on their brakes, it never fells this is how it goes. Clearly, driving like this will makes the person following close behind you feel very nervous, which will make them feel the need to brake and accelerate constantly. It is fairly easy to hold a steady speed in a long line of cars without using or stepping on your brakes. All you have to do is keep a fair amount of distance, lets say about the size of a Volvo, try practicing this the next time you use the freeway. Always pay close attention to the cars a head of you so that you can anticipate when traffic is about to slow down, that way you won’t loss power to friction and you can keep going the same speed without having to accelerate. This is the best way to save gas in heavy traffic; you’ll easily save 10% - 20% on your gas mileage. So the next time you use a rental car try out this method, I know when I rented from the Las Vegas Car Rental it save me tons on my mileage.

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