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Happy Father's Day: 5 Star Fathers!

Posted by E-Z RAC Team on Jun 13, 2014 4:25:08 PM

This Father's Day, we wanted to give some recognition to the Dads, husbands, brothers, sons and friends out there working hard every day for their families. We had a great time reading through everyone's best Dad stories, and it was hard to choose just 4 winners! In our opinion, all of ours dads are 5 Star Fathers, but these four in particular stood out to us the most:

Our 5 Star Fathers

"Nicholas, the father of my children is an amazing dad! Let's start out by saying he is a hard working father of our two daughters. His goal in life is to make sure we are happy everyday by providing us love and support. He works two jobs and is the coach of our 4 year old's t-ball team. He provides an amazing example for our daughters, showing them how to make a difference in the world. He demonstrates how to love God first and care for others. Nick is also the strength of our family; he's going on two years being a kidney cancer survivor. Mackenzie and Delanie have daddy wrapped around their fingers. He's been the biggest blessing in our lives and I'm beyond thankful for such an amazing daddy for our girls."

-- Heather P.

"My friend is a 5 Star Father because for almost 8 years he has taken care of his son. Day in and day out, he teaches him about life, assists him with homework and is an active parent at the school. He is a hard-working, single father that tries his hardest to stay above high water to make sure his son has all he needs/wants. In our day and age, you rarely find single dads that are just as involved as single moms. Although he has faced troubles in these past few months, he manages to take his son places, even though he has to walk 4 miles everyday for work. He doesnt believe in asking for help and does it all his own. This is why he's a 5 Star Dad."

-- Naaman S.

"He was always a joker. One time when my brother and I were little, he took us camping. Before bed he told us about bears and some other wild stuff. Later that night, my brother and I were still awake laughing and playing like kids do when all of a sudden we hear this huge growl! Next came clawing at our tent then the zipper opened and in popped this bear head!! After screaming our butts off, he pulled off the bear head and we saw that it was our father!! It scared us so badly then, but after all these years I think about that day and laugh. He was always so funny. It was always out of the blue that he would do or say something funny to lighten up my spirits."

-- Laura S. 

"What made my dad a rock star? There was nothing more important to him than family. He was an only child who married a woman from a family of 9. They proceeded to raise 6 children and then enjoyed nineteen grandchildren, and before he passed, his first great grandson. Our house was the house where the whole neighborhood always gathered. Back in the days before seatbelts and carseats, we always had a pickup and however many friends and family we could fit, Dad never said no to just one more! My cousins spent so many hours at our home just hanging out. He "taught" you how to do a job and do it well, if it was worth doing do it right. No matter where we traveled, he would go into a store or a gas station and always came out saying to my mom, "you will never guess who I just ran into." He knew people everywhere. He truly lived up to his high school yearbook quote: "His handshake was like a warm pair of flannels." He went to work every day, raised his family with good values and prayed every night. If that's not a rock star, then I don't know what is. I miss you, dad."

-- Susan M.

Happy Father's Day!

We want to thank everyone for sharing their stories with us. Have a wonderful Father's Day this Sunday and don't forget to think about us if you're in need of some E-Z transportation during your weekend travels! 

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