Traveling can be stressful, but it is also fun. Traveling with kids, now that's a whole new experience! Stress levels can be higher, especially when boredom kicks in. But the memories and fun are always well worth it.
One of the hardest things about traveling with kids is the time spent waiting at the airport. It doesn't have to be hard though; there are some wonderful little tips and tricks for keeping your kids entertained while at the airport and on the plane.
Entertaining Older Kids
Keeping the older kids entertained is fairly simple. Just make sure they have a backpack with at least one favorite toy, a coloring book, a movie, their music, and one activity. Having a bit of a variety to pick from helps keep them from getting bored.
Entertaining Younger Kids
Preschool children enjoy doing brainteasers, sticker activity books, tick-tack-toe, magnetic activity boards, coloring, and even gold old fashioned games of Go Fish. One thing you want to be sure to remember -- their favorite stuffed animal or toy. This may be a certain teddy bear, blanket or even the pillow they sleep on every night. This will not only keep them entertained, but make them feel a little bit more at home.
Keep Them Full and Happy
One tip that is universal for any age: bring snacks! Just about any child will get easily distracted if their tummies are rumbling. Pack a couple snacks and juice boxes, or be prepared to buy them if you can't get through security with food. Either way, keeping their bellies full will help keep them happy and easier to entertain.
Bring Books
Reading is always a good solution for keeping kids occupied anywhere. If they are too young to read, read to them! For older kids that are reading chapter books, have a new book ready and make sure it's a book that interests them. For the younger kids, interactive books are best. Find books with sound buttons, textures, flip-ups, or anything that they can get their hands on.
Handheld Devices
Things such as video games are a sure way to keep most kids busy. Make sure that you have extra batteries or chargers and that devices are fully charged. Most devices now have multiple functions. You can have all their needs in one place. Add a movie, their favorite music, games, e-books, and more. That makes it super easy.
Games for Everyone
If you are in need of some creative ways to help entertain your children here are a few great game ideas. These games can keep them occupied for quite a while.
- Play a game of Eye-Spy. This is a good game for both the airport and on the plane.
- Play a game of Uno. This card game is fun and easy. There are different versions of the game out now so pick one your kids will like.
- Portable games. Get a board game that is travel friendly. Scrabble Folio or Bananagrams are good ideas, just keep track of the pieces!
Activities for Everyone
Activities take a little planning sometimes, but they will keep your children busy. Plus its a fun way for you to kill some time and relieve a little travel stress. These are some good ideas for activities the whole family can try.
- Fold origami paper. You can find little origami kits in craft stores or you can get the paper and just print out instructions.
- Make a scene. Bring some paper, a stamp pad, and stamps to create different scenes.
- Follow the leader. You are about to board a plane for a while, take advantage of being able to move while in the airport.
What are your favorite airport activities?
Image Credits
American Airlines Gate... by Grant Wickes
Megan and the Twinge... by Eric Peacock
Kindergarten Monster Bento by Wendy Copley
Business Traveler by Angelo DeSantis