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Color of Rental Car Question on Facebook

Posted by ezracblog on May 12, 2011 5:10:36 AM

Yesterday, we posted a question on the E-Z Rent-A-Car Facebook page asking what color of rental car would our renters least like to rent. We expected some of the answers, but some were creative and unexpected. White was the winner - more renters preferred not to rent a white car, but in second place was Red. Also, the precious metals (if combined of Silver, Gold and Copper) would have resulted in the third highest response. The rest of the responses include some colors we have never seen on a car, but I think were included just in case we ever consider adding a vehicle to our fleet (don't worry, we will hold off on the camouflage, pink and purple rental cars). Here is the count:

White 7 votes

Red 5 votes

Precious Metals (Gold, Silver, Copper) 4 votes

Green 3 votes

Yellow 2 votes

Camouflage 1 vote

Pink 1 vote

Brown 1 vote

Purple 1 vote

Black 1 vote

*This is in no way scientific, nor meant to be.

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