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What Am I Paying For? Tips to Ensure a Smooth Rental Process

Posted by E-Z RAC Team on Aug 13, 2014 1:50:00 PM

Thinking about how you're going to get around this new city or locale is often overlooked or not clearly thoughtout for most travelers excited to start their vacations. If you choose to go with a rental vehicle on your trip, knowing the process and what to expect beforehand can shave time and money off your trip. Keep these quick tips in mind before your next rental!

Know Before You Rent

In order to operate a rental car facility inside of your favorite airports across the world, there are often a variety of fees associated for the added convenience. So you aren't caught off guard, take a quick look at some of these extra costs often associated with renting a vehicle for your trip. 

  • If you are under 25, many locations will add an additional daily fee to your reservation price. This is for insurance purposes; in the past, many rental companies refused to rent to customers under 25! If you're unsure of additional fees related to age, give us a call or visit our website.
  • Note how much gasoline was in the car when you first drove it off and document it. Upon returning the car, it's important to refuel, as you may be subject to an additional "refueling fee" if the tank is returned empty. It is also important to hold onto your receipt when refueling, as it will be required upon returning your vehicle.
  • Please be aware that there is a fee for any additional drivers added to your reservation other than the primary driver. Check local policies for specific details.
  • E-Z Rent-A-Car offers unlimited mileage to non-local renters only, provided that the vehicle does not leave the geographical boundaries of the location. Check your location for specific mileage limitations and fees if you are a local renter. 
  • Smoking is not allowed in our rental cars. If the car is returned smelling of smoke, an additional fee will be charged. 
  • If a ticket or violation is issued while renting a vehicle, you will receive an additional fee. Please check local policies for specifications.
  • In order to have a space conveniently inside the airport, we must impart an airport access fee  (this may also appear as "airport concessions" on your reservation)
  • For maintance and construction of a rental vehicle service, airports require a customer facility charge (CFC)
  • Local sales tax applies
  • A surcharge is required by the state and often county in order to rent vehicles
  • In order to offer the vehicles we have in our fleet, there is an additional vehicle license recoupment fee (VLRF)

If you have any questions about a specific location, please see local policies for more information.

Tips For Taking Care of Your Rental Car

For extra security, take note of these two often overlooked tips before driving off in your new rental:

  1. Before completing the paperwork and paying for the use of the rental car, take the time to go out and inspect the car in adequate lighting for any noticeable exterior damage so that you can be aware of any potential problems and let us know of any damage.
  2. Before you depart the property, make sure that the car has a full tank of gas, all lights are working properly, the car starts normally, the brakes work properly, and the heating/air is working properly to avoid potential performance issues regarding the rental car.

It's important to be well-informed and prepared when departing for a vacation or trip, and this starts with your transportation! It's easy to have a great time when there are no surprises. Be prepared with E-Z Rent-A-Car!

Still have questions? We'd be happy to help. Click here for all of the ways you can get in contact with our team.

Image Credits:

Ijsselmeer Highway by Iulian Ursu

Day 207... by Juli

Topics: Locations, Car Rental Expert


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