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10 Tips for an Eco-Friendly Trip

Posted by E-Z RAC Team on Sep 5, 2014 2:49:09 PM

At home you do your part to save our planet. Your green lifestyle includes recycling, water conservation and reduced energy usage. But what about the times you're away from home? Do you find yourself slipping out of that eco-friendly mindset?

Traveling doesn't have to mean taking a vacation from green living. Here are ten easy tips for reducing your carbon footprint no matter where you go. As a bonus, they can even enhance your vacation experience!

Go Green On Your Vacation

  • When exploring new places, use your own two feet. It's ok to arrive at your destination in a vehicle, but once you get there, the experience can often be more rewarding if you explore by foot. You'll find that it's easier and less stressful, while walking or bike riding lets you enjoy the beauty of coastal or mountain areas first-hand.
  • If you do rent a car, get the smallest model that will accommodate your family and skip all the pricey extras. In some locations, we even offer hybrid vehicles
  • Be sure that any mementos or souvenirs you purchase are authentic items from local artisans. Avoid the mass-produced items that are often shipped in from overseas.
  • Carry your souvenirs and other purchases in a reusable tote bag. Pack one ahead of time or support a local vendor by buying a one-of-a-kind creation.
  • You can also reduce plastic bag consumption when you avoid using the trash can in your hotel room. The housekeeper will use a fresh bag even if there's only one item left inside. Gather up your refuse periodically and dispose of it in the trash cans in the lobby.
  • Take along reusable water bottles for each member of the family. It's healthier and you'll cut down on garbage-generating soft drinks and water in plastic bottles or throwaway cups.
  • You don't change linens daily at home, so why do it just because you're on vacation? Check with your hotel on their procedure to let housekeeping know that you're reusing sheets and towels. In fact, you can cut back on service entirely by leaving the "Do Not Disturb" sign up on the days when your room really doesn't need cleaning.
  • While you're out during the day, turn off the air conditioning, lights and any other electric-powered features in your hotel room. Yes, when you've had an active day it's nice to come back to a cool room, but the few minutes you spend waiting are well worth the energy savings.
  • Preserve water sources by using biodegradable soaps, shampoos and sunscreens.
  • Have fun exploring farmers' markets and street food vendors. You'll save money and resources while you try some delicious local cuisine.

A healthy environment affects all of us, no matter where we live. Demonstrate your consideration for others by practicing eco-awareness during your travels.

Image Credits

Towel Elephants by Chris Lewis

Don't Forget to Recycle by James Wang

Topics: travel, eco friendly, green


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